4 Benefit When You Are Our Working Partner

Advantages of joining us as Agent:

Enjoy Benefit for Lower Cost but Higher Margin 

Our agents are able to enjoy reduced cost of 3% lower than normal consumer prices.


Enjoy Extra Payment Methods 

Our agents are able to enjoy extra payment methods such as Interbank Transfer, Cash, and Cheque Bank in. However you are required to follow our payment policy to check on the requirements for approval regarding your top up credit. 


Enjoy Privileges Printing Queue 

We understand your problems more than ever. You can now request to queue your printing job or orders as priority with provided reasons. We will consider the approval to have a better experience in collaboration with you all the time. 


Enjoy Product Training 

Our agents are able to enjoy training such as the products and services we provide, as well as selling method skills in our Ean Label (HQ). We will provide a wide range of product materials training and selling skills for you to communicate with your customers in effective ways. 

Time to start your own business and let’s collaborate! With just a simple step, sign up NOW to become an agent with us. 

Terms & Conditions Apply*